
Showing posts from November, 1997

from Tracey

Well, as of today I am a stay-at-home-mom... called into work and told them I did not plan to come back. My boss sounded very disappointed and even asked me if I was going to take another job, but I assured her that was not the case. She did say that it would take months to fill my position so call if I change my mind, and that she will probably call me again before she fills the position. It is flattering that the company wants to keep me, but I still feel that I want to stay home with Melinda. Scary, but kind of a relief to have it over with. Melinda has slept through the night for 3 of the last 4 nights — meaning 7-8 hours between bottles and no crying :-). Rob and I hope she’ll keep this up! We give her an extra ounce at the late night feeding and that seems to do the trick. She’s still growing pretty fast and has a hearty appetite.