
Showing posts from December, 2005

Santa comes to visit Hunting Ridge

DSCN2901 Originally uploaded by robert_h_coleman . Our homeowners association tried a new event this year. We arranged for Santa to come visit. Led by a police car with lights flashing, he rode in the back of a pickup. Great event, we followed behind and ended at the grade school. 50-70 people, hot chocolate and cookies for all. Gretchen asked if we could do this every year. "As long as you want to keep coming out..." I replied. We sang a couple Christmas carols at the end. I really enjoyed myself.

Video Clips

Even after buying all the cool toys to convert analog video, I still haven't worked through my hours of video. I have converted some, here are some cute samples... Melinda jumping off the bed Nov 20, 1999 (fixed) Brooks on the potty Jan 13, 2000 Melinda in the Garden circa 2001 Gretchen - Happy Father's day circa 2001 Melinda telling a story Sep 10, 2002 (Fixed) The Girls Sledding Jan 8, 2005 YouTube links to be fixed as needed.  Remind me and I'll fix them.