All those hours of the "Da" song have finally paid off. Just days after her fifth month birthday, Melinda started making her first real sounds. Sure, we've been getting "Ardsfsdfsdf sdf sdf" for weeks now, but we've been hungering for real sounds. Well, the weeks of waiting are over. Melinda has said her first sound. Was it "Da?" No. Infact, instead of saying Da, she said Ma. Not just once. Not like an accident. Non stop. MA MA NA MA MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA. I figure that when I'm off at work, Tracey picks up Melinda and says "Forget that Da stuff, let's talk MA." So, her first sound was Ma. I hesitate to say words because I associate words with comprehension. So far, Tracey's been "Ma", Abby's been "Ma", her plastic keys have been "Ma". Actually, nothing's been Ma, she's just saying it over and over. Early on, while I was teaching Melinda the finer art of saying "Da...
Showing posts from March, 1998