from Jim

Tracey. I'll take pity on my coldish daughter and do this correspondence be e-mail, so you don't have to talk on the phone. But before I fill you in on the weekend (all good), I've been meaning to relay what Melinda told me when we baby sat a week or so ago.

If you and Rob ever wondered whether the time and cost of going to Disney World was worthwhile, the answer from Melinda's viewpoint would be yes. We were talking about the vacation, and I asked her what she remembered most. She quickly responded Disney World. Then she told me about the rides...the fact that she wasn't very interested in the animals because they were too big, but that Gretchen got to know Pluto...and the videotaping of Small World "and we videotaped you, too, Papa."

So Disney World seems to have been a worthwhile venture at least for Melinda.

She was, not surprisingly, just about perfect over the weekend. She played indoors and out...did the computer only once...did some craft projects (mostly with Grandma). . .baked, of course (your mother was impressed with how well she did)...snitched ice cream from Grandma when we went to Tate's for a cone...and played "I see something" on the porch yesterday

Melinda took a pretty genuine interest in the flowers...remembered (and talked about) the bee balm from her last visit...wanted to know how the butterflies got into the butterfly house...helped me fill the bird baths...didn't start eating breakfast until I returned with the donuts...seemed a little perplexed when we started Saturday dinner with just corn on the cob (because I like to get messy corn out of the way before I eat the rest of the dinner) but ultimately dug in and started eating (and ate a pretty big dinner)...sang a lot, mostly versions that fit whatever we were doing at the moment of "so early in the morning"...didn't spend a lot of time at Cosley but didn't run ahead, either...and, as always, fit right in.

It will be interesting to compare Gretchen's experiences, which I think will be quite different, when she sleeps over.

Hope your cold is better.




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