
Showing posts from February, 2002

Hyperbole? You be the judge

Now, I know I'm prone to stretching the truth to make a good story. We've got guests coming for the weekend - starting tomorrow afternoon actually. Guests coming is generally the forerunner to cleaning. Cleaning for me means bathrooms. Now that I've finished the guestroom, it means four bathrooms (the project that keeps giving). To distract the kids while I clean bathrooms, I give them a sponge each. In the past, this has meant that they unclean the bathroom I'm working on. As of late, they go off and unclean a dirty bathroom - not such a big deal. Tonight, I gave them their sponges as I started my second bathroom. Walking upstairs, I met Melinda, naked, dripping water on each stair from a sponge. As I walked upstairs, I noticed that there was, in fact - water EVERYWHERE. In 10 minutes, they had managed to soak the kids bathroom, drip water on every stair, have a potty accident (Gretchen), pour a gallon of water on said accident (to clean it up). After I had fin...
In November, we got our quarterly publication from the Park District (local government group that does classes for kids and adults) Tracey signed Melinda up for Preschool, and Gretchen up for an art class. Then she asked me, "Would you like to do a Daddy-Daughter dance thing with Melinda." "Sure." I said. Several months later (early this week), Tracey reminded me - "Daddy-Daughter on Thursday night." I wasn't apprehensive, but I wasn't sure what to expect. Well, Melinda got all dressed up. Red-white-and-blue theme, so she wore her red dress. Hair bow, fancy shoes, to the 9s. When I got home from work, she was dancing around, and was VERY excited about the dance. As an aside, I need to get some video of Melinda dancing. She kicks up her heels and jumps from one leg to another - very cute and energetic. The Park District did a really nice job on the dance. DJ, pizza and ice cream for desert. We danced to wedding songs - hokey pokey, chicken...