
Showing posts from March, 2008

Melinda and her favorite Dad on Splash Mountain

Melinda and her favorite Dad on Splast Mountain Originally uploaded by robert_h_coleman I thought I lost this picture. I've looked a couple times for it (most recently when I blogged the photo from last summer. This time I found it. We decided that Gretchen was too small to ride this ride when we went (she was three). In retrospect, Melinda looks a little small too! I think this was in the days before "Fast-passes." We had a good long wait for the ride. I must have told Melinda 100 times, "We're gonna get WET!" Other than the trip to Tom Sawyer Island (which no one other than 10 year-old boys likes, this ride was probably the highlight of my trip to Disney.

Easter 2008 in Chicago

Easter08 042 Originally uploaded by robert_h_coleman Susan left a message on my home answering machine saying she was out playing in the yard with the boys. I felt like I should draw the distinction with this photo. Our annual Easter egg hunt had a rain date. It did not have a snow date. On Friday, we received six inches of snow, but we had our event any way. It was actually a beautiful day. Sunny and 35. No wind. Typically, we just have our eggs on an open field. The event starts with the big kids being sent to touch the far fence, then they can start. This year it was a bit more challenging. With the snow, eggs could easily get hidden. Both my girls are in the "big kids" group this year. They pointed out that the Easter Bunny was kind of shrimpy . Melinda informed that she might do next year, but not when she was in sixth grade... sniff...