Gretchen - summer 2014

Incoming Freshman. Summer school isn't even over yet and already she is ready for school to begin. Such the social one. Gretchen wants to receive her schedule NOW so she can discuss it with her friends who are also taking summer classes. It's important to be able to do that face to face rather than via text or phone. Once school starts, she wants to do scholastic bowl and student council for extracurricular activities. Gretchen is a duct taping fiend. She has strong opinions on what is "quality" duct tape. Duck brand is good; others - not so much. She read Wuthering Heights this summer and hated it (like her old man (though for different reasons - I didn't like it because it had words, she didn't like any of the characters)). That was going to be one of her summer reading books for school, but she's switched to "All Quiet of the Western Front" for book one. She's going to be disappointed with the ending. Not sure w...