
Showing posts from November, 2022
  The Boston Marathon is typically run on the third Monday in April - Patriot's day.  Three doors down from our house in Wayland (10 Snakebrook to our 4) lived the Salazars (they were Boston Globe customers and it was difficult to understand their Cuban accents).  One of their kids was Alberto and he ran/won the Boston Marathon in 1982 (12 years older than me - much later banned from the sport for life).   In Massachusetts, the herring spawn in the ponds they were born in.  Those ponds connect to streams and rivers (e.g. the Charles River) that empty into the Atlantic also in the spring around the same time. Herring is a pretty generic term - in Massachusetts they're Alewives (we just called them herring).  When I lived in Boston in 1991, I took the T - Redline - into the city and caught the train at Alewife. Although there has been lots of damming of the rivers, society has built fish ladders so that they can jump up...