
Showing posts from July, 2008

Guess the leafy produce

In our bid to get better produce than our grocery store can put out, Tracey found a local farm (Kankakee Illinois - 85 miles south) that delivers. Once a week a box of produce shows up on our doorstop. We never know what's going to be in it. Frequently, even after it appears, we still don't quite know what's in it. Here's this week's list (with a bit of our farmer's commentary0: Sweet corn (oh, so tasty) Peaches (there is a short supply on some of the fruits this year due to the cold spring) Green beans Bell peppers Kale Cucumber Summer squash or zucchini Yellow onion Our efforts to determine vegetables was quite amusing in June when virtually all we were getting was varieties of lettuce and cabbage. Also some bak choi. Side dishes at dinner have been quite different the last six weeks. Tracey's been searching high and low for recipes to consume all of our vegetables. Lots more work to prep the dishes, but very worth it.