Perfect Tree and other poems by G. Coleman

Elephant Days
The elephant that lay a – graze
Happy to lay, in the haze
Watching her daughter as she plays
10 beautiful, beautiful ballets
Is happy to give lots of praise.
She remembers when she did that
Way, way back in the days

The Sun
I am the warmness, I am the light.
I shine real high, but not at night.
I am a medium star,
Right at the bar.
People depend on me to live,
To give the light I always give.
My job is really fun.
Yes, I am the sun.

The geese fly high, high, high in the sky.
To them, worries to not apply.
They have no wait, no stand-by.
If geese can do it, why can’t I?

Ice Cream
Ice cream has a certain gleam.
It has a taste, just like a dream.
It seems to whisper
“Why don’t you eat me?”
I like it very much.
Do you agree?

My pen twirls across the paper.
I am the character.
I decide whatever I want to be.
I am in charge.
I am me.

Do you want to sail a ship,
Fly an airplane,
Be a lion,
And create a space ship,
All in one day?
If you do there is a simple instruction:
Pick up a book with a smile,
Stay there,
And read for a while.

Perfect Tree
My family found the perfect tree.
One that filled us all with glee.
To take care of it, we would all agree.
We began to chop it down,
That made me begin, to start to frown.
It toppled over, toe to head
Something that had filled me
With some dread.

Water Balloon Fight
Up, up, up in the air.
To stop it from coming, he does not dare.
It collapsed on the opponent.
I need to run fast,
Into the vast,
To not hear the familiar
Of my opponent
Hitting me back.

Happy, sad
Angry mad
Confused, glad.
I can have all of that sentiment.
I can have feelings
For each and every eventiment.

I like to write poems, I really do.
But writing poetry is not new.
Poetry has been around for thousands of years,
Long, long before the pioneers.
Speak it, write it.
Even do it
As a skit.
Poetry, for some people,
Is a very good fit.

Pioneers came a long way
To make America
(How it is today).
When I think of pioneers,
I think of Thanksgiving.
I think that,
Would be a wonderful job
To do as a living.

I am a snake.
I slither, I crawl.
I know this: I know it all.
I blink, I sputter, but I do not flee.
For I also know this:
Everyone is scared of me.


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