Hoyle family history documented

2019 family stories 1/2
2019 family stories 2/2

A family history was put together by Julianne Coleman Kemp and compiled by Sheilah MacLennon Fulton Crowley:
Hoyle History a work in process 2003 1/2

Rosemary Hoyle's 1959 senior yearbook:
Roslindale High School 1959

I'm turning into a bit of a photo nut.  I am happy to be the family historian.  I recently bought myself a reasonable scanner that scans loose photos really quickly.  When my grandparents died, Georgette split up their photos and gave Julianne, Susan, Tom and me each an album.  The photos that survive are scanned below.  Photos Georgette gathered

Several years ago, I asked John and Tommy to share their photos, I've scanned them and here
Photos Tommy Hoyle shared with me
Photos from John Hoyle
Fred Hoyle and Mary Dwyer shared by cousin Diane!
Debbie's photos


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