We have a foster dog with us this week - Dakota. He's a mostly well adjusted dog with a predilection for random barking. We're using little fingernail sized doggie treats to persuade him to be good rather than barker. For convenience, we're keeping a stash in a small metal cup. My children know my penchant for small dishes. I love small serving dishes with unique colors and uses. We have dozens and I use them frequently for entertaining. Julianne and Collin were here last night. They went out for dinner together and joined us as we were finishing our Friday fun nacho dinner. As they came in, we quickly set up a couple little dessert cups of chocolate this and chocolate that. Tasty. My mistake was to miss an immediate opportunity to clear the kitchen island of every day stuff. Like Dog treats. Julianne noshed on chocolate this and tried a little bit of chocolate that. She did not count on dog treats being...